So, there has been some significant changes around here! Well, perhaps not in a business functioning sense but we have taken the decision to have a bit of a rebrand and change our company name to (Drum roll please)……….. Team HG!
You may be thinking, ’I’ve seen you use the term ‘Team HG’ before’, and you would be correct in thinking that. It’s a term we have began to use naturally in recent months when talking loosely about the business generally in pieces like this or in social posts that we send out.
The change in name itself did happen very quickly. Following a conversation between Directors Gavin and Natalie about work on a weekend whilst travelling (criminal to be talking about work on a weekend I know), it was decided that the best way forward was for us to have a bit of a restructure of our brands, and an overall company name change was a biproduct of this.
In this blog, we will explain a little more in detail about the rebrand, and why the decision was made to do this.
Why the name change?
So, to address the elephant in the room, why the name change? I hear you ask. It’s a very prevalent question, because to make a decision like this there has to be some kind of rational behind the thought process, and there is.
Despite the speed of the decision to the action, this really wasn’t a knee jerk reaction. Here at HG, once we make our minds up on something, we tend to put the wheels in motion very quickly. And this was no different.
In all honesty, this was a decision that we have been contemplating for some time now, probably since the inception of HG Surface, and making that a sister company to HG Graphics. Despite there been a clear need for HG Surface, given that the brand speaks to different types of people to HG Graphics a lot of the time, a lot of the time in fact there is cross over given these brands really can go hand in hand, and this was causing confusion between ourselves and more importantly our customers.
Rather than two separate businesses, we ultimately see HG Surface and HG Graphics as two separates brands that sit alongside each other. As a result of this, and once our minds were clear of this fact, we came to the conclusion an umbrella company name was required.
As mentioned, the utilisation of ‘Team HG’ was something we were already using regularly in our communications, and it just fit perfectly with the structure we wanted to create, with this overall business name sitting above the two brands. Fast forward a few weeks and here we are!

What does this mean moving forward?
In terms of how this is going to effect us and our customers moving forward, in all honesty… not a lot at the end of the day.
Our mantra as a business will remain the same, along with the same ‘propa’ Yorkshire service, with maintaining the highest standard of service possible for our customers being at our core, with perhaps the clarity in our communications being the only real change you’re likely to see.

As demonstrated throughout this piece, both HG Graphics and HG Surface are very much here to stay.
The HG Graphics brand has been a corner stone of our business for over the last decade, and as you can see from our recent monthly enews pieces, our vehicle branding, signage and display services is something that we have and will continue to get involved in heavily moving forward.
As for HG Surface, the newest edition to the Team HG business offering, is again something we love having as part of our business and this brand is going absolutely nowhere. Architectural Wrapping is a concept that has skyrocketed over recent years, something we have seen first hand ourselves, and we very much look forward to continuing to drive forward in this prospering marketplace.
This signifies the conclusion of our ‘Introducing Team HG’ blog. We hope that the explanation behind the decision of the rebrand is now clear.
If you do have any queries behind our rebrand, or would like to find out more about the services we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing us at, or alternatively, you can call us on 01977 651 017.
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